The workers finished our roof yesterday morning, Finally! There was a few delays due to mis-communication, but the roof is now finished and paid for. Laura and I have
alot of other projects planned for around the house, but they will have to wait for the appropriate funds. Next on our agenda is a outside faucet that is next to our garage that as leaked since we got the house. It's gotten progressively worse, so we pushed that to the top of the list. After that we are going to get the siding replaced on the east front window and around the front door, then a complete repaint. Lots more planned after that, but those projects alone will take a while to get done (ie: finance :> )
We are keeping a close eye on Ike this week, hopefully he will steer north of use and go into unpopulated areas. LA definite doesn't need any more rain, we don't either :)
Just a image to make this blog look interesting. This is the view from my desk as I wrote this :>
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