It really struck me yesterday morning. I stroll into the office around my usual 7am time. No one else is there yet, which I think is great! I get a lot done between 7am and 8am. Anyway, as I was doing some of my morning things, I noticed Musak had Christmas music on, then it struck me! Ack! It's Christmas time! Well, at that certain time, I was not too excited about the holidays, but the holiday feeling is slowly starting to seep into my system.
So, I've got my TSO (Trans Siberian Orch) backgrounds up. Last night I searched the DirecTV listing for Christmas shows to record on the DVRs. I added my regular old christmas sugar cookies to the grocery list (The ones you just pop in the oven for 20 minutes, they have like Christmas trees on them). It's take Laura a week or two more before she gets in the spirit, she has to wait until classes are all done. But, I'll probably coax her into putting up the tree this weekend.
Health wise, I am doing better. It's been kinda rough without the caffeine, but I am surviving. I haven't had any headaches in the past day or two, so that is getting better. Wednesday after working I am going to have my eyes checked (finally), it's been probably 5 years since I had them checked.
Until Next time!