Thursday, December 04, 2008

Gas back to Normal?

Well, back to normal as to what we would call normal down here. This picture is hard to see, but unleaded gas price at 23rd and Nolana, $1.49 per gallon. Not too shabby :)

I took this photo on the way home from work yesterday from my ubah cell phone. I should have had my new camera with me, but that'll have to do (click to see a large view, still rather blurry though).

After getting home and changing clothes, I finally went out and had my eyes checked. Not big change in Rx, I just needed to get new glasses really. So, after the eye exam, I awaited my darling princess (LJ) who would put up with me for over an hour as we tried to select some regular frames and then some frames for some sunglasses. Why was I waiting for LJ? Well she works there at the place, so not only did she help me pick out some great frames, that'll make me look SEXAH! but, we got the family discount on them as well! :) It also gave us a chance to chat and catch up since we don't see each other too often these days.

My new regular glasses will be ready today, I'll pick them up after work, but my sunglasses were special order, so they won't be ready until the 13th.

I am glad it is Thursday! Weekend is almost here, not that it really means much anymore! I had planned on some serious coding today, but as usual, I got side tracked early in the morning and have not been able to get back on track yet.